Ocean Creations is an asset management firm that specializes in the management of investment portfolios for selected Customers and mutual funds
Ocean CREATIONS asset management
Ocean Creations is an asset management firm that was founded in 2014 and licensed by the Israel Securities Authority (ISA) that specializes in the investment management for mutual funds and investment portfolios for selected customers.
Our investment managers present the knowledge, experience and proven track record required to analyze and identify investment opportunities in the global markets. These expertises allow us to achieve excess returns for our customers while adjusting the appropriate level of risk.
In Ocean Creations, we understand and embrace the vast responsibility of managing our clients capital, and we work tirelessly to meet the highest industry standards. We value integrity, professionalism and excellence above all else.
Investment Philosophy
Our investment philosophy focuses on value investing and uses deep and fundamental research in order to identify well-managed, quality companies that are undervalued. In our opinion, these companies provide higher returns to their to shareholders over time.
We focus on businesses that are more predictable and better understood. We look for businesses that have with high barriers to entry competition, market pricing power and that generate free cash flow. These type of businesses are expected to generate high returns on invested capital and economic value is not expected to be affected significantly due to market volatility or macro-economic factors.
When picking our investments, we try to seize temporary pricing opportunities due to market wide events, market failures or undervaluing a company's assets and future growth potential.
We use a structured, systematic and rigorous process of analysis and valuation and we set a high threshold to our criterias before we decide to enter a position. This thorough process reduces the level of risk associated with our investments.
Finally, our methodology to assess the financial and quality characteristics of a business, includes an ongoing dialogue with a company’s management, shareholders and other stakeholders.
Leading team
Maayan Amsalem - VP Investments
Dan Barcai - VP Marketing
Yaniv Aharon - President & CEO
Yaniv is the CEO and chief investment officer (CIO) of Ocean Yetsira. Prior to founding Ocean, Yaniv was the chief investment officer in a long standing financial services firm. He was responsible for a large investment team and was managing assets valued over $ 4 billion NIS in mutual funds and investment portfolios for private and institutional investors. Yaniv has more than a decade of capital markets and portfolio management experience and is a licensed portfolio manager by the ISA.
Dan serves as Vice President of Marketing and is responsible for customer relationships management. Dan joined Ocean after a long series of marketing roles in the capital markets. Previously Dan was a senior investment advisor for Leumi Bank in Israel. Dan has more than a decade of experience in the capital markets and is a licensed portfolio manager by the ISA. He holds an MBA with specialization in finance from College of Management.
Miki serves as an investment manager. Miki joined Ocean after a long series of marketing roles in the capital markets. Previously miki was an investment marketer. Miki has more than a decade of experience in the capital markets and is a licensed portfolio manager by the ISA. He holds an MBA with specialization in finance from College of Management.
Elad serves as the head of equity in Israel and portfolio manager at Ocean Yetzira, a position he started in 2023. Prior to his joining Ocean Yetzira, Elad held roles as an equity and debt analyst at prominent hedge funds and research departments in Israel. His professional background encompasses comprehensive expertise in securities analysis and investment management. Elad is licensed in portfolio management by the ISA. He holds MBA with specialization in finance and Financial Economics.